New Fiction Release Shares One Woman’s Romantic Issues In Her 20s and 30s; Book by Meredith Collins

Dog Ear Publishing releases “Mr. Rights Gone Wrong” by Meredith Collins.

Dog Ear Publishing releases “Mr. Rights Gone Wrong” by Meredith Collins.

This new fiction release published by Dog Ear Publishing is a tale of one woman’s two marriages, and the different issues she faces at different periods in her life.   Author Meredith Collins tackles the topic with verve and sensitivity, leaving readers rooting for Madison and her quest for true, lasting love.

In her twenties, Madison Leigh marries her boyfriend out of a desperate need to leave her parent’s oppressive home.  His proposal is not exactly the stuff of dreams, but Madison overlooks that and approaches her future with optimism.  After years of verbal abuse, Madison decides to take her two beautiful children and leave her husband, independent for the first time in her young life.  Single motherhood is less than ideal, but it’s better than dealing with an extremely unhappy marriage.  On one of her rare, treasured nights out, Madison meets Jake, a single dad chock full of charm who seems to enjoy Madison’s straightforward attitude and lack of pretense.

Quickly, Madison and Jake become serious about each other, their relationship full of the romance Madison found lacking in her first marriage.  In a short period of time, the two are married, and the two families become blended into one.  The additional stability is a relief for Madison and her children, and things go smoothly for a time. After a strange and flirtatious IM from an unfamiliar woman, Madison starts to become suspicious about Jake’s activities outside of the home.  Can she trust her new husband?  Will she be hurt again?

Mr. Rights Gone Wrong is a gripping portrait of two marriages, both from the female point of view.  Madison is a character to whom readers will relate, a real woman with flaws and foibles that don’t detract from her frank charm.  Author Meredith Collins is an avid writer, with a column for Statement and contributions to Glass Heel and Women Forbes. Collins resides in Colorado with her family; this is her first novel.


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Mr. Rights Gone Wrong

Meredith Collins

Dog Ear Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-4575-1759-4                        240 pages                        $14.95 US

Available at Ingram,, Barnes & Noble and fine bookstores everywhere.

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